The National Institute of Science and Technology on Behavior, Cognition, and Teaching focuses on behavioral science and technology addressing symbolic functioning and deficits in symbolic repertoires. Our network currently integrates basic, translational and applied research in a multidimensional program. Basic research in our program is devoted to the development of new knowledge and new methodologies relevant to the understanding of symbolic function. Our translational research seeks the validation of new principles or procedures derived from basic studies in initial clinical/ educational trials. The applied research component of our efforts seeks to develop feasible solutions to the challenge of providing scientifically based procedures in typical service settings, such as schools, clinics, etc. We see basic, translational, and applied research as a continuum, leading from basic knowledge to service implementation. Even at the more basic level we remain mindful that our research should lead to applications.
To achieve these goals, the research lines of the Institute span from basic research on symbolic processes and symbolic repertoires that constitute the focus of the Institute’s teaching and proposal. The Institute is particularly interested in some challenging populations, that may need intervention for development or rehabilitation of symbolic repertoires. Specific technologies assist in the investigation and may be also considered as research lines.
ECCE is funded by grants from the Cooperation Agreement MCT/CNPq-FAPESP. Visit the INCT-ECCE hotsite on the FAPESP or CNPq homepages.